Mister Minutes' Cinema Circus

(best viewed on desktop)


Here's my list of spooky scary things I'll be watching in October! I'll expand on this more as we get into the Halloween season, and feel free to email me any suggestions if you think I've missed an essential October movie!

In an effort to make this homepage look nicer, site news/updates have moved to here!

Contact the clown

Questions? Comments? Did I shit on your favorite movie? Got a suggestion for what I should review next? You can email me at missingminutesart@gmail.com! I might respond to you right here on the webzone! Just make it clear if you do not want your message shared on the site -- I will never post your email address in any response. Thanks!

Hello! I'm Mister Minutes; I'm a digital artist, movie lover, and all-around clown. When the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, my college classes were "indefinitely postponed", and I found myself more or less trapped in my house with nothing much to do except wait and see when all the fuss would blow over (spoiler alert, it didn't). So, desperate for something intellectually stimulating to do, I had the "brilliant" idea to watch, and review, a new movie from my Netflix queue every single day until the pandemic ended. Every. Single. Day. Thus, "Quarantine Cinema Club" was born on Blogger. I thought it would be a fun way to thin out my Watch Later list, and maybe some stranger on the internet would get a kick out of reading my silly little reviews.

It was a fun exercise for the first two days, but it very quickly hit me that devoting ~2 hours to watch a movie, then at least another hour to vomit out my thoughts onto the keyboard, was taking up an unsustainably large chunk of my day. So, three days into my experiment, I put the blog on "hiatus", and came back seven months later with a review of 2014's Godzilla (spoiler alert, I hate it). This Godzilla review was much more fleshed-out, more thoughtful, more intentional, and - dare I say - more funny than the stream-of-consciousness ramblings of the previous reviews. Since then, I've been allowing myself more time to craft more thoughtful reviews ("more thoughtful" doesn't necessarily mean "nicer", though). I like talking about movies a lot, and I really hope you enjoy reading what I have to say! I'm almost done with migrating my old Blogger reviews over here, while I learn HTML to make this site into something cool and fun to look at! Everything you see on this site, from the reviews to the webpages themselves, is written entirely by me, so I hope you stick around and enjoy my stuff!

Also, like I said, I am mainly a visual artist, so please check out my art here! If you like my work and you want to support me, consider giving me a little tip on Ko-Fi! It's never required but always appreciated.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com