Questions? Comments? Did I shit on your favorite movie? Got a suggestion for what I should review next? You can email me at! I might respond to you right here on the webzone! Just make it clear if you do not want your message shared on the site -- I will never post your email address in any response. Thanks!
Site News
12.6.2024: The last few months have been exhausting and stressful so I haven't been updating the site, but don't worry! I recently overhauled my personal site and have been slowly renovating the Cinema Circus to use the same layout as that site. Be patient until all the changes are complete, I know a few of the reviews are currently broken until I rewrite the pages. Thanks!
9.11.2024: NEW FEATURE! Because I'm insane, I've started to add my ongoing list of Every Movie I've Ever Seen to the site!